Who is she?

Who is she?

She’s just a girl that hates being alone. And when alone in a hall, her guard is always up; eyes glaring, keeping people away. What they don’t know is that her eyes and ears are open, and she’s wondering, “Were they laughing at me?” “That girl looked at me funny… why? What’s wrong with me?” But when she sees a friend, her tense body loosens up, insecurities forgotten and left behind in a faraway place. A smile lights up her face and her steps quicken, eager to share stories and secrets with a buddy. 

Who is she? 

She’s a girl that hears the calling and whooping behind her, and acts indifferent. Yet her heart beats a little faster and her steps speed up to get away from the sickening men hitting on a 15 year old. And when she’s far away, she’s angry. Angry at herself for accepting the humiliation. Angry for all the young girls who were forced to grow up too early. Angry because she can’t even dress the way she wants without being objectified and afraid for herself. Angry at society for telling her, “just accept it. Boys will be boys.”

Who is she?

She’s a just girl that hides her tears and pain behind fake smiles and loud laughter. Jokes and humour hide the true extent of her feelings; no one knows how she cries in the bathroom at night. No one knows of how her silent sobs shudder through her body. No one knows that her puffy eyes in the morning are because of the endless tears that put her to sleep. No one sees the emptiness in her eyes. Because it’s easier to hide it. Because letting someone in is her biggest fear.

Who is she?

She’s just a girl that wants to live up to the expectations. The expectations of her family. The expectations of her friends. The expectations of society. Her own expectations and dreams are secondary to everyone’s else’s. Because what people think of her matters. She pretends it doesn’t, but deep down, she knows it does. 

Who is she?

She’s just a girl. 

This isn’t really how I would have written my About Me. I just really liked the concept of talking in a third person point of view and applying the whole thing to other girls who have possibly felt the same way at one point of another in their life. Also I’m not having problems in my life or anything, I just thought this poem shows who I am a little better than if I listed a whole bunch of facts about me.